Harmonize Milestones/Deadlines Not Appearing on Student Canvas Calendar

Q. I am not seeing any events in my Canvas calendar. Am I doing something wrong?

  • If you haven't already, please visit your To Do drawer in Harmonize and click the "Sync Items to My Canvas Calendar" link.
  • Assignment due dates appear in your Canvas Course Calendar while Milestone To Dos appear in your Canvas Student CalendarEnsure both Canvas calendars are active to view all available To Do events. In your Canvas Course calendar, look over to the right, and check the box beside the Calendar with your name; that is your Canvas Student Calendar.
  • When your instructor creates new content, it takes a few minutes for the associated To Dos to sync to your calendar. Check your calendars again in 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Events are removed from your calendar as they are completed. It is possible you have already completed all the requirements for the event in question.
  • Instructors, please note that this is a student facing feature. No To Do events will show for instructors.